Am I the only one that wanted to reach for the barf bag when the latest excuse about why Obama can’t lead/govern reached the news stands in Newsweak?

Seems they’ve just found out that the Presidency is the biggest and most powerful job in the world. Who’d of thunk it?

Yes, boys ‘n girls the Progressive apologists from the LSM (lame stream media) have now decided that our boy the Poseur President’s problems all stem from the fact that the Presidency is just too darn tough for him.

I’ve never read such a crock of nonsense in my life. Is the problem the Presidency is too big a job or that Obama was never ready to assume the job?

Hmmm, as I remember Bush 43 didn’t think so … or Clinton … or Bush 41 … or Reagan … or … you get the point!

Wanna fell sorry for this poor fella? Get your hanky out because this will tax your sob quotient. (ya, right!)

Can any single person fully meet the demands of the 21st-century presidency? Obama has looked to many models of leadership, including FDR and Abraham Lincoln (say what?), two transformative presidents who governed during times of upheaval. (Lincoln and FDR … not someone in say the 20th or 21st centuries?) But what’s lost in those historical comparisons is that both men ran slim bureaucracies rooted in relative simplicity. (Oh, my God boo hoo … sob … waaa!) Neither had secretaries of education, transportation, health and human services, veterans affairs, energy, or homeland security, nor czars for pollution or drug abuse, nor televisions in the West Wing constantly tuned to yammering pundits. (Oh, oh, oh … sob … sniffle … Waaa!) They had bigger issues to grapple with, but far less managing to do. “Lincoln had time to think,” says Allan Lichtman, a professor of history at American University. “That kind of downtime just doesn’t exist anymore.” (Guess those 52 times Obama played golf these past 2 years doesn’t count!)

Sorta makes you wonder how Bush 43, alternately portrayed as a numb skull and an idiot by the same LSM, ever found a way to manage his way through 9/11, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, dealing with China, North Korea, and Iran, the economy, creating jobs, and more?

Hey, wait a minute … didn’t Bush have secretaries of education, transportation, health and human services, veterans affairs, energy, and homeland security? Didn’t he have to deal with the yammering pundits over at CNN and MSNBC?

What? Keith Olbermann doesn’t count as a yammering pundit? Hmmm … I wonder?

  1. This is the age-old reason given by the boyz as to why women couldn't be president. We weren't qualified, didn't have the right kind of experience and gravitas to handle the job. Now, it's an excuse for the incompent-in-chief!

    The boyz would never excuse Hillary or Sarah with such drivel. However, I think the description of obama being a "pussy" is derogatory towards women, in that it implies that women are inherently weak. It's precisely because obama doesn't have a "vagina" which is why he can't do the job. Women are great multi-taskers and are certainly held to a higher standard, so chances are Hillary or Sarah could run circles around the "pansy" .

    1. Kathleen

      You made me smile … never dawned on me about the derogatory connotation implying female weakness. I should probably change the word to wimp.

      1. sandstone,

        Sadly, derogatory words which are "female" by definition, are always used to put down a man. Frankly, IMO, men are being complimented by being told they are a "pussy"! The female survives in greater numbers than male babies at birth. The "Y" chromosome brings with it many weakenesses that men go out of their way to either dismiss, explain away or ignore. On the other hand, women have survived, live longer, have accomplished extraordinary things throughout history, all without the benefit of having it handed to them through "entitlement", which the patriarchy could not survive without.

        If I really want to insult men, I use male terminology such as "prick" or "dick" or "wimp" to insult them. Until we stop using the feminine as a sign of weakness, which is totally untrue, we enable the misogyny/sexism that exists in every thread of society. Sexism, like racism or bigory of any kind, must be eradicated if we are to survive the world the patriarchy has created through its own greed, selfishness and monolythic thinking.

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