History reveals that every piece of racist legislation that was ever passed and every racist terrorist attack that was ever inflicted on African Americans, was initiated by the members of the Democratic Party ... Wayne Perryman, Unfounded Loyalty

The continued cover-up of the Democratic party’s shameful ties to slavery and racism knows no bounds. As we head into the 2016 election for POTUS, it is clear liberal media outlets have NO intention of informing Millennials and recent arrivals to the country of the Democrats dark past.

Yes, America has a racist past, get over it! Deal with it! And, while you’re at it let us never forget that the Democratic Party played a huge role in slavery. Not all southerners owned slaves or were involved in the slave trade and not all Northerners were abolitionists . Trying to reduce racism or the Civil War to a slogan that fits on a bumper sticker is dishonest and demeaning to the citizens of this country.

Liberal media outlets are the worst kind of loathsome hypocrites spreading misinformation, dividing the citizens of the country, while shilling for the Democrats and radical progressives.

The recent round of PC cultural cleansing focused on by the liberal MSM to expunge the culture of all things touched by the Confederate flag is dishonest at best and calculatingly racist at worst. To constantly bang the drum about the racist history of Confederate flag and not mention that it was the flag of Southern Democrats is unforgivable journalistic malpractice!


These are the worst kind of media manipulations ..lies of omission. The inferences and innuendo are to purposely shape the perception that the GOP is the party of hate, while protecting today’s Democratic party of Hillary Clinton and Al Sharpton.

Never mind that Abraham Lincoln was a Republican and that the flag  was a symbol of Southern Democrats! Never mind that it was white Republicans in the South that supported the first blacks elected to office. Never mind that   14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution giving former slaves the right to vote and full citizenship passed with 100 Republican votes and zero Democratic votes in the Senate.

In a country where too many citizens don’t know we fought Britain during the Revolutionary War, or the year the Declaration was signed, or what the Constitution says … in a country where citizens are woefully ignorant about our country’s history, is it little wonder these same people do not know that Confederate President Jefferson Davis, was a Democrat?

KKK engaged in terrorism of white Republicans

5 Things You Think You Know About Racism, the KKK and the Democratic Party You Don’t

1.  The Klu Klux Klan was founded by Democrats, former members of the Confederacy. Ex-slave trader, Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest  became the Klan’s first Grand Wizard in 1867, two years after the Civil War ended.

2.  Several recent members of the Democratic party were members of the KKK including Robert Byrd, a one time Exalted Cyclops. Other known members include Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black,

3.  The staunchest opponents of civil rights during the 1960s and 70s were Democrats in the South. Bloody Sunday’s Governor George Wallace and the infamous Commissioner of “Public Safety” Bull Connor immediately come to mind.

4. The KKK went after white Republicans, Catholics, Jews in addition to blacks.

5.  David W. Griffith’s 1915 movie The Birth of a Nation depicted the Klan as a heroic force defending the “Aryan birthright” of white southerners against Negroes  and Republicans.

3 thoughts on “The Democratic Party’s Sordid History of Racism, Ties To the Confederacy & the KKK”
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