This picture might be funny if it weren’t so tragically accurate and pathetic.

If the truth be told, I predicted that Obama would turn out to be worse than Carter…in December of 2009!

Sadly, these wasted four years were easy to predict. His so-called soaring rhetoric always left me cold.

He is so clearly an empty suit, a glib pretender whose ascendancy was aided and abetted by the MSM, many members of Congress, and the courts. This group of actors continues to cover for him and his disastrous policies.

He surrounded himself with Chicago political hacks like the Iranian born Valerie Jarrett, bullies like Rahm Emanuel, and tax cheats like Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner. Oh, and let us not forget the most corrupt Attorney General since John Mitchell, Eric Holder now in contempt of Congress for refusing to tell the truth about Fast & Furious.

He dissed the Congress and the Constitution issuing the greatest number of presidential directives and executive orders of any president in our history. His dissed our friends and allies and made friends with out enemies.

He trashed NASA’s space program so now our astronauts have to hitch a ride on Russian rockets to get to the space station the US built! In the process we also lost 7000 thousand precious jobs.

The economy is in a shambles and getting worse. The debt is close to $16 TRILLION dollars. His $800 billion stimulus was doomed to fail from the beginning, lacking direction, focus, and accountability!

He then shoved ObamaCare through the Senate with bribery, lies, and chicanery and despite the public’s universal hatred of the plan. Now officially a tax according to the Supreme Court, it remains one of the most despised pieces of legislation in our history with 60% of the public angry and against it.

Last month 163,00 thousand jobs were created. Team Obama is spinning the number like it was some great accomplishment when in fact it underscores his economic failures. In the healthy economies of the past, the country created 350,000 jobs every month!

I haven’t touched upon the unemployment rate the MSM reports at 8.3% (really 15%), or Obama’s 36 Czars (what is it that the Great Lakes Czar does exactly?), or his never ending golfing, or Michelle’s over spending, or the over regulation of everything from lemonade stands to oil fields.

Gas prices are up and US production is down while we have INCREASED our imports of foreign oil by 30%. There’s more, much, much, more. By any measure his presidency is a failure of gigantic proportions.

He has succeeded at one thing in addition to improving his golf score. He’s made Jimmy Carter look good… no easy accomplishment!


One thought on “Obama’s Failed Presidency”
  1. Section 1031 of the NDAA bill, which itself defines the entirety of the United States as a “battlefield,” allows American citizens to be snatched from the streets, carted off to a foreign detention camp and held indefinitely without trial. As reported by, the bill states that “any person who has committed a belligerent act” faces indefinite detention, but no trial or evidence has to be presented, the White House merely needs to make the accusation.

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