Legal Insurrection was able to get a comment from David Corn, the reporter at Mother Jones peddling the videos, regarding the missing footage. Corn admits there are, in fact, about one to two minutes that are unaccounted for.  The Blaze

The MSM knocked themselves out yesterday, going into full Romney attack mode. They were huffing ‘n puffing all day trying to blow the Romney wants to be Prez house down. A new tape (on YouTube since May) had just been “discovered” that caught Mitt Romney in an unguarded moment talking to a group of wealthy people at a private fundraiser.

Mitt’s alleged crime was he was caught on tape discussing the 47% of citizens who don’t pay any taxes. The media narrative/shiny object of the day…Mitt was clearly inferring these people were all freeloaders and he didn’t care about them or their votes.

(Actually the figure tossed around on all the networks and morning shows, Fox & Friends and Morning Joe included for the past 2 years, is 49%, but I digress.)

That’s what all the talking heads on the Obama Media Group networks were saying, so it must be true. It’s not actually what he said, but who cares, it’s not like anyone would think to check this out, right? 

Well, not exactly. Seems more than one source did some checking because the so-called complete tapes were not so complete after all. Turns out that the tapes presented to Mother Jones by Jimmy Carter’s weasel grandson (self described oppo researcher who was looking for a job) were less than full and unedited tapes. In fact they share something in common with the Nixon/Rosemary Woods tapes…stuffs missing!

According to the source, the recording device inadvertently turned off. The source noticed this quickly and turned it back on. (This is believable, right?) The source estimates that one to two minutes, maybe less, of recording was missed.

Opps, maybe the unedited tapes were edited after all!


 I’m beginning to experience Obama lapdog whiplash or MLW. You know what that is right? It happens every time the MSM plants a false or slanted story and then has to recant it the next day!

One thought on “Mother Jones 47% Romney tape is a fraud;no surprise it’s selectively edited”
  1. Can't they charge whoever made the tape with something? That is, of course, unless you can get away with degrading someone else like that these days.

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