Some things in life are really simple.  Getting the economy moving forward isn’t brain surgery. The problem with our economy is the people in charge don’t have the talent to run a lemonade stand and make a profit. Who on Team Obama has actually created a job … a real job, not a government job?


The list of their lack of skill sets and competencies  is magnified all the more because they came into office believing their own press releases, believing that because they could win an election they could manage the US economy and govern our country.  Wrong Tonto!

Here’s what Main Street and small business owners, the backbone of this economy, know … the economy could rapidly get into gear, jobs would return, and consumers would begin spending if Team Obama were smart enough to do the following:

1. Reduce credit card interest  rates to 15% or less.  Banks should not be allowed to charge their customers more than 3 or 4 times of the savings rate at their banks.  In the 70’s, credit card companies were prohibited by law from charging customers more than 12% interest rates. With credit card debt at an all time high, consumers simply will not go out and spend until their credit card debt is greatly reduced.

Not only is it unconscionable to charge interest rates of 29% in this economy with millions of people unemployed and without jobs and with millions of home foreclosures on the rise with no end in sight, it is simply bad business!

The pigs at the credit card interest trough are greedy and incredibly shortsighted. Unless consumers get some relief credit card customers will simply walk away and default.  Credit card rates of 29% … are nothing less than usury … even guys with names like Rocco and Knuckles would blush at those rates!

2.  Return the unused tarp funds back to the treasury. This program has been nothing more than a colossal FLOP!  Start paying down the deficit which tripled after Bush left office.  While you are at it, stop blaming Bush

3.  Everyone in the government, in Congress, the Executive branch, the Judiciary, every department head, everyone takes a 10% cut in salary.  That means BHO should be first in line, along with Speaker Peloisi and Harry Reid.  Great leaders lead by example and never ask those following them to do anything they themselves wouldn’t do.

The only exception is for those in the military who have been fighting and dying for this country and our way of life. These people and their families who have sacrificed so much get a 10% increase in pay.

4.  Stop the government bailouts and get rid of all those czars.  Four or five czars is understandable, close to 40 is asinine and overkill.  Talking about overkill, why does Michelle need 24 assistants … an all time high for a First Lady?  The country should be tightening and reigning in its spending.

5.  Demand that banks free up capital and begin lending and don’t replicate the SBA small business ARC program which was another colossal failure.

  • Low interest loans under $50,000 should be fast tracked with a minimum of red tape for companies in business at least 3 years or for companies that already have a track record although in business under 3 years.
  • Instead of giving $250 to seniors  the country, give small business owners the tools needed to stay in business and create new jobs, reduce credit card rates for small businesses.  A reduction in rates means turning those dollars into company purchases or new hires.

Part 2 tomorrow … Why reducing credit card rates was number one on this list

  1. Great ideas. Especially #1. Boy, they really screwed up on that one. BofA jacked rates by over 17% the day before the new legislation went into effect (and that was for having excellent credit and always paying ontime).

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