Last night as I was watching the coverage on the Iranian upheavals triggered by the fixed election results I couldn’t help repeatedly thinking about two points.

I kept hearing echoes of the past. . . President Kennedy’s famous “Ich bin ein Berliner” (I am a Berliner) was just below the surface of my consciousness. I couldn’t help but feel that, “tonight we are all wearing green” in support of this brave and awakened populace seeking fairness and honesty in the Iranian elections.

The second point that continued flitting in and out of my consciousness was how ironic that our faux President, Barack Obama, is lecturing Iran on honest elections. I thought possibly I was reaching just a tad; so I let it drop.

Then I this morning I happened across this from a blog called Uprooted Palestinians. This isn’t a blog I would normally seek out. I support Israel and a two state solution, but as it happens, since one of my posts is cited/referenced in one of the paragraphs related to Hillary’s treatment during the 2008 elections I had to investigate.

The writer does make some interesting points and it is of particular note that the writer is from a country outside the US. I guess we can file this under, “How people outside the US view our politics and policy positions!

Monday, June 15, 2009


Obama’s Wheel Just Fell Off his Wagon

By Ban Sidhe

I am no fan of Obama, I trust him about as far as I can throw him. However, I will support his actions when he deserves it and will attack him when he deserves it. Today he deserves a huge attack, forthwith. He, and his “groups” are meddling in the affairs of the Iranian election. The bloom is most definately OFF the Rose. Obama is exposed now, not in a good way.

So Let’s talk about American elections for a minute, when they are questioned by American voters who feel hard done, do they receive World outrage like we are seeing towards Iran now? Whilst Americans may be sitting on their arses thinking what happened in Iran is a big deal and needs intervention. Let me remind people that I followed the American election very very closely. And, you could argue that that 48 % of the Democrats felt just like the Reformists do now in Iran. And that is a much larger number of voters than are the Reformists in Iran. Many Americans felt cheated, and just maybe they were. But where was the world outrage? (under the Obama spell as I remember… so says this writer!)

Obama ran a cut throat campaign, and there were many things that troubled huge portions of the American voting public. 18 Million Hillary Supporters felt cheated about votes not being counted, alleged election fraud (ACORN registering dead people and Mickey Mouse!) Obama’s associations with this organisation and other groups. What about the good ole “Democrat For A Day” campaign? Was that above board? There were allegations of caucus fraud when Clinton won Texas in the vote yet the caucuses went to Obama. Police were called to some caucuses and allegations of cheating filled the air and the blogosphere. There were lawsuits filed. Then there was the Florida, Michigan thing and the DNC Rules Committee, the Donna Brazille thing, the removal of talking heads on CNN who were associated with Clinton, e.g. Paul Begala and James Carvelle, whilst those like Roland Martin.


American elections are not immune from allegations of fraud and misconduct, even up to the DNC itself, as outlined above. So, I see this no different than what is taking place in Iran, on a MUCH smaller scale than what happened in America! So, America needs to butt out immediately and stop using it’s allied meddling pals like Germany, England and France to continue to attack Iran over Iranian elections. Which if you stand back and look at this, it is no different than what took place in the recent American election of Obama. Yet Obama was not “overthrown” even though there were many more Clinton supporters who felt cheated than there are Reformists who feel cheated in Iran.

Here’s my bottom line.

The writer above gives voice to those in many parts of the world who think America is always butting in where it doesn’t belong. As it happens, I don’t agree that we have been “meddling in the affairs of the Iranian election.” This may be one of the few times I agree with faux President Obama’s position. We cannot choose sides and be allowed to have the Iranian uprising turned into a foil to be used against us. I remember the hostages and the hatred of the ’79 Revolution… we don’t ever want to return to that.

Here’s the final observation. The old sayings, about calling the kettle black and people in glass houses not throwing stones are  worth consideration by this Administration. Mr. Obama has always been ineligible to hold the office of POTUS. We have long since stopped asking where the fault copy of his birth certificate is and where are all the other collateral documents that verify he is a natural born citizen as required under the Constitution. We stopped asking because, it’s clear Obama cannot provide the proof.

More importantly, because his father was a British citizen and his mother was underage when he was born (thus passing British citizenship onto both mother and child) Obama is really a Brit. There are some who try to pass this off as a technicality and there  are some people who would rather a phony President Obama than no Obama at all!

Say, where are those stones? I’d be careful with those stones Mr. Obama … the world is watching. The way you entered the White House hasn’t gone unnoticed by the rest of world.

By mica

  1. Hey, glad to see you’re still keeping up the good work, fighting the good fight for freedom and truth about Obama!

    Well, here we are AGAIN discussing usurper Obama, as if he were a REAL PRESIDENT, when in fact he doesn’t even meet the basic ELIGIBILITY requirements to BE president (not born on American soil). It’s not a small matter of him not providing a real US birth certificate when asked by the American people, it’s that HE DOESN’T HAVE ONE TO BEGiN WITH because he was BORN IN KENYA.

    Which by the way, makes every bill Obama signs and every THING he DOES acting as president, iLLEGAL. And pretty much means if we let this go on we are breaking the law right along with him. CONSTITUTIONAL CRISES!

    Come join me and help put up another billboard around the USA, it’s only $5 – the cost for a pack of smokey-dokes (a pack of ciggs for Obama)

    CLICK HERE TO HELP DONATE MORE BILLBOARDS ACROSS THE USA (you know, the country that requires a president be born on U.S. soil?)

  2. For the record, I just wanted to share President Ahmadinejad’s slogan when he ran for president. “It’s doable and we can do it.” Sound familiar? lol. Yes it does.

  3. Good topic, I was and am still tempted to do this topic as well for DailyPUMA, but I’m glad you caught it as well.

    Obama gave the same kind of speech about steroids in baseball when AROD was outed.

    HIs speech about not cheating when it came to baseball had the exact same ironic twinge as it does now.

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