Her name is Gabriella.  She is a brave naturalized citizen originally born south of the border.

Her’s is a voice the MSM would never consider putting on air to express the views of 70% of the country which support Arizona’s new law on illegal immigrants.

Why put on a voice that disagrees with their narrative?  After all, we now know that the MSM only presents news they think we should hear!

Listen to Gabriella, a new citizen we can be proud to call a Sister Patriot!


2 thoughts on “A <em>Legal</em> Immigrant & Naturalized Citizen Defends Arizona’s New Law”
  1. I just knew this. Is this really sure? Well, need proof for this. This is the time for Obama to speak out and tell what is behind it so as not to give or reflect bad impression to the public reading this. Thanks.

  2. Thanks so much for alerting me to this video; Gabriella is truly a Sister Patriot! I haven’t followed you for a while but plan to continue now; I like the new look of the blog.

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