Hmmm, I wonder?   More details from Sister Toldjah below:


Also note how the guy wasn’t approached – he approached the protesters, and clearly became agitated when his “blame Bush” argument wasn’t gaining any traction.

Last I heard, the man who committed the assault yesterday in front of Watt’s office had been questioned by the police. Good. Not sure if any charges were filed or if he was actually arrested.

I doubt the way the creep handled himself is a way a majority of Watt supporters would react to a protest at Watt’s office but it’s disturbing all the same, and reminds me of the left wing/union thuggery we’ve seen either by taking over banks, or by pushing their weight around at health care townhalls and other places where voters are letting their elected representatives know how upset they are with the Obama/Pelosi/Reid agenda.

And they say it’s conservatives who are the “violent ones”!!!

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