Updated…this was originally written in March 2011. Substitute one name/country, that being Assad/Syria for Gaddafi/Libya and see how little anything has changed.

OBAMA SHIPIncredibly, Obama continues to boldly go where no other president has gone before. Apparently, none of the rules apply to him. Without consequence, at will, Obama ignores laws and the Constitution to implement his progressive/socialist agenda. American Thinker

The Patriot Action Network wryly calls him (The One) King Obama.  Me? I just call him a grand Fraud, a fool selected not elected to the most powerful position in the world, President of the United States.

Tool, fool, great teleprompter reader, what does it matter? No one is going to step in and do the right thing, which is to remove the Poseur from the oval office.

Gotta give it to him though, he knows how to hide his incompetence with insolence, arrogance, and insincerity.

He consistently overreaches and under performs and people are shocked? Really…from a man who has consistently never taken a consistent position either as a faux candidate or a faux President?

Know what cracks me up?

Constitution loving Democratic and Republican members of Congress who continue to allow the Fraud to exercise power knowing BHO is constitutionally ineligible to serve have suddenly found their love of the Constitution, demanding that the man who thumbs his nose at the Constitution on a daily basis follow the document he finds flawed and inconsequential.

Really? No, I mean it: r-e-a-l-l-y? To which I have to ask,”on what parallel universe do you exist?”

Illegal, and Impeachable

The U.S. Constitution restricts the war making power to Congress. Article I, Section 8 gives the legislative branch alone ability to “declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal” and “calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.”

This is as the Founding Fathers intended. “The father of the Constitution,” James Madison, praised “the fundamental doctrine of the constitution, that the power to declare war including the power of judging of the causes of war is fully and exclusively vested in the legislature: that the executive has no right, in any case to decide the question, whether there is or is not cause for declaring war…In no part of the constitution is more wisdom to be found than in the clause which confides the question of war or peace to the legislature, and not to the executive department.” Madison declared the reason this is true: “the trust and the temptation would be too great for any one man.

The next part came as a surprise to me. Our latest war is also in violation of the UN charter stating non intervention in issues that are essentially internal affairs of state. Yes, I know Gaddafi had every intention of slaughtering Libyan citizens opposed to him.

My question is how is it the UN was alright with intervention in Libya but not in Iran’s Green Revolution last year? Bella ciao, Iran!

The Washington Times noted in an editorial:

Article 2 section 7 of the UN charter states that, “Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state or shall require the Members to submit such matters to settlement under the present Charter.” Chapter VII of the charter, which enumerates UN intervention powers, applies only to international breaches of the peace. The December 1981 UN “Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention and Interference in the Internal Affairs of States” reaffirmed this principle with its solemn declaration that, “No State or group of States has the right to intervene or interfere in any form or for any reason whatsoever in the internal and external affairs of other States.”

Our fake President has brought us into yet another war, no make that conflict, no make that warranted action against a tyrant we don’t like, no make that…ad infinitum.

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