
Well, not just because it’s poor form and bad taste and you should know better. And not because it lacks class and makes you no better than the Obamabots who will boo anything Republican, or conservative, or moderate, or anything not Obama.

The next time Sarah mentions Hillary’s name or Geraldine Ferraro’s name embrace them. There will be a great many men and women who supported Hillary and the Democratic party that will be voting for the McCain/Palin ticket because they are placing the country ahead of the party they supported for years.

Embrace the new people entering into GOP tent, even if it is for only one election. We’re the people that will make a difference in this election. The GOP’s new leader, John McCain understands this.


Follow his lead. “Country before party” is a welcome mat and a statement that we need to elect the people best suited to lead us into the future. Don’t get caught, off message!

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