Poseur is such an elegant way of defining a fraud… someone who pretends to be something he is not.

We have a Poseur President sitting in the White House, a man ineligible to Constitutionally hold office of President or Vice President of the United States. His ineligibility has been either overlooked or ridiculed by the MSM who supported the man because they liked the color of his skin and the cut of his suit.

Large segments of the legal community who detested Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution but failed to utilize the amendment process to change the Constitution, instead chose to ignore the Constitution and remained silent knowing full well that Obama was a fraud.

Helping the Fraud get elected and through the maize of legalities that should have prevented this,we must also tip our hats to all the politicians, members of Congress (many lawyers themselves) who chose party over country and helped facilitate and perpetrate the greatest hoax in American history. They continue to look the other way and pretend not to know.

Special thanks belongs to John McCain, whose selfish run for the presidency, more than any one action helped facilitate the Fraud’s ascent to power. When the Senate passed its non-binding resolution (SR 511) declaring John McCain was a natural born citizen so he could run for office, it set into motion a series of events that cleared a path for Obama. When we talk about unintended consequences, there is no better example than this one. Actions have consequences… always.

Finally, we must salute the hoards of ignorant voters, who chose style over substance, behaving as if they were voting for a prom queen or the most popular member of the senior class.

All would have been fine, except Obama proved himself to be an incompetent fool, indecisive, petty and petulant. It was easy to predict Obama would be no better than Jimmy Carter, who could have predicted he would turn out to be worse that Jimmy Carter?

And so, what we’ve witnessed is a radical progressive whose administration has failed to enforce immigration laws, has dissed our allies and weakened our military, is in the processes of dismantling NASA and giving the Russians free reign of space, has pushed through nationalized health care, has turned out to be a piss poor Commander in Chief that is so bad that his top General Stanley McChrystal finally had it and let the truth be known in Rolling Stone. The truth is Obama knows how to give a speech but not how to govern.

He is intentionally letting the BP oil grow into the biggest environmental disaster… EVER!

Why… for the same reason he won’t enforce the immigration laws? He’s using his non-actions and obstructions ( leaving our borders porous and ceding parts of Arizona to Mexico, refusing help from other nations to clean up the BP oil spill, ignoring his ability to makes exceptions for the Jones Act, etc.) as clubs, bargaining chips as it were, to try to force through more legislation 65% of country does not want.

And so, the Obama shell games continue… saying one thing and not doing another.

Here’s Obama’s problem. Most of the country is tiring of this boorish fraud, the rats are jumping ship, progressives are leaving and even MSNBC and Jon Stewart are finally voicing disdain over his policies. People have started calling for his resignation, and that will continue to grow until it is finally clear what a liability Obama is. You can place bets that stories will begin to appear, finally telling the truth about what the differences are between a natural born citizen, native born, naturalized, etc. Obama is so bad he has made himself expendable!

Which brings us back to Obama’s ineligibility… he is in very serious trouble! How much? This is from Dr. Kates View

When Obama is formally found ineligible for the Presidency, and is removed either through the 25th Amendment, impeachment, conviction in trial, or simple arrest, the charges he faces as the impostor-in-chief and as a private citizen are extremely serious. Even if he finishes his one and only term, the crimes he has committed will follow him the rest of his life.

And, it will not only be Obama who faces the wrath of justice, nor his various enablers. His IDEAS for this country, so representative of one hundred years of the reprehensible “progressive” assault on America will be finally, once and for all, outed and stamped out.

Obama’s behavior, as well as that of Congress, is characterized by attacks on sovereignty of the Several States and provision of aid and comfort to our enemies…aka,”treason”.


An excellent research memorandum written for Attorney Gary Kreep, of the U.S. Justice Foundation, identifies six (6) other criminal liabilities that will follow when Obama is found ineligible, which are listed below. Importantly, these same liabilities will follow Obama even if he manages to complete his term without being “outed” as an impostor.

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