This was written in 2009. Little as changed except the MSM continues to become less and less reliable as a source of news. 

There simply is no reason to believe anything the MSM puts out there as factual. The media can no longer be trusted … can no longer be believed … too many lies over too many years!


FOX comes the closest to consistently reporting most sides of an issue, but not always. The most glaring exception remains their non-existent reporting Obama’s ineligibility for the office of POTUS.

Obama admits he held British/dual citizenship status on the day he was born. This is a clear disqualification for the office of POTUS.

Whether FOX is too cowardly or whether the network has been warned to back-off at the risk of suffering severe consequences is immaterial! A lie is a lie and there is none bigger than president Obama.

After witnessing the events that have brought us our first knowingly faux president, why shouldn’t we question a host of other stories/ issues that have been “reported” by the MSM.

I find myself questioning everything that has been reported as fact for the last 30 years. Tell me, why should we believe anything they tell us when we can see the supporting documents with our own eyes and hear the propaganda churned out on an hourly basis?

All of which brings us to the 10th anniversary of the tragic events on 9/11. Ten years ago the thought that 9/11 was a staged event by persons within our own government, one designed to bring chaos and fear was dismissed as insanity.

No more. Do I think it possible? You betcha! The primary reason remains WTC Building 7, the building that our government wants us to believe “just fell” for no reason.

What really happened to WTC Building 7?

National Geographic recently produced  a show to debunk 9/11 conspiracy theories.  The approach was to depict anyone who questions what happened on 9/11 as a wing-nut. If the Nat Geo’s facts were so strong, why devote less than 1 minute addressing WTC  Building 7 in a 2 hour show?

Why didn’t the 9/11 Commission have subpoena power?

Do you believe “them” or do you believe your own eyes?


There is no victory in being right in this case. You can’t blame people for wanting to believe in their government, those entrusted to do what is in the best interest of the people. But the facts don’t lie and physical laws of science can’t be changed.

The most damning video is what follows as a BBC reporter discusses the collapse of WTC 7 on air minutes before it happened and with the building in the background! Opps, move to the 1:25 mark and then to the 7:26 mark!

Isn’t the TRUTH what we want from the people running this country … what most of us want from our government, our officials, the courts,  and the media?

What a sad state of affairs … we have a country with more power brokers than patriots!  A selfish, self righteous, sanctimonious group that cares little about anything or anyone but themselves!

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