Revelation 13:17 … and that no one may buy or sell except one that has the mark, or the name of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is 666

Well, before anyone wants to jump ugly . . .

let me say up front I wasn’t looking for this quote. I happened to hear it today while I was channel surfing.I usually don’t quote Bible verses, but this one resonated today given the fact that (Hail Caesar) Geithner wants even more control over our financial institutions and the economy.

Since I’ve quoted from the one above let me also quote from my favorite Bible verse, as well.
Micah 6:8 … What does the Lord require of you? To love justice, to show mercy, and to walk humbly with Him.

Sometimes one needs to take a break, step back, and make assessments. After having taken a step out the Obama maelstrom for a few days, I wish could say I felt this country was heading in the right direction. I can’t because it isn’t.

During mass yesterday, interspersed between the prayers and music for Palm Sunday, were thoughts of the fraud Obama and his hitman Tim “gimme more power’ Geithner.

Until such time as the evidence proves contrary, Obama remains the first man to fraudulently secure the office of POTUS knowing from the beginning that he was always ineligible.

His election to the highest office in the land remains a travesty. I could almost find a way to make this abomination less disgusting if his policies were good for this country or if he was a good president; neither is true. The truth is his economic policies are tearing the country into pieces.


SO, here we are with Geithner seizing control of the nation’s banks through extortion (take the TARP money, or else!) using fear and yelling “chaos, crisis, hurry…. hurry….NOW!” The faux President fires the head of General Motors, and the Congress tries to pass a retroactive law taxing bonuses of AIG executives at a 90% rate . . . and the MSM is talking about Michele’s short sleeve dresses!

I have but two questions:

1. Where in the Constitution does the faux President, or any president have the power or authority to fire an executive of any company (public or private)? SHOW ME THE ARTICLE OR PARAGRAPH THAT ENUMERATES THIS.
2. Where in the Constitution is it written that Tim Geithner has the power or authority to force the nation’s bankers to take the TARP money, or to determine how a bank will be run, or to refuse to allow a bank to re-pay the TARP funds? SHOW ME THE ARTICLE OR PARAGRAPH THAT ENUMERATES THIS.

Did you find it?  Didn’t think so!

By mica

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