Here are the facts.

The Democratic Party selected a candidate ill prepared to meet the challenges the next president will have to face. In the process, the DNC, the MSM, and a host of others ticked off, pissed off, offended, and took 18,000,000 suporters of Hillary Clinton for granted.

They waved the red abortion flag and snidely told themselves, and others “where else are “they” going to go” never once believing that people would choose to vote principle over party! The concept of putting the country before any political party being either arcane, unheard of, or absent from their makeup.

Now, here we are the day of the DNC’s big convention in Denver and Barack Obama, Mr. Berlin, Mr. “We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for” is in a dead heat with John McCain 47% to 47%. You can hear it in the background, “OMG. OMG, how can this be possible?” IT MUST BE HILLARY’S FAULT, OR BILL’S, OR ANYONE BUT THEMSELVES!

A look at this video will tell you why so many women voters will never vote the OBiden ticket under any circumstances.


Clever, don’t ya think? Oh ya, just the way to make sure the 27% (up from 19% last month) of Hillary supporters who have told the pollsters they intend to vote for McCain in November will  go up another 10 points!

DUMB, DUMB, DUMB, DUMB, DUMB, DUMB!!! This video should be entitled, “How to give red meat to the PUMA’s.”

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