UPDATE: This was written four years ago. Little has changed, with the exception that the Mideast is in chaos, Obamacare has turned out worse than anyone predicted, and Obama’s disdain and contempt for the Constitution is more pronounced than ever. 


How soon we forget history… Government is not reason. Government is not eloquence. It is force. And, like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. … George Washington


I gave myself a present this July 4th weekend.


I spent the last 2 days watching the series The Revolution and the War of 1812 (the forgotten war) on the History Channel.


Throughout the weekend, I kept thinking about the differences between George Washington and our current Poseur President, Barack Obama.  I kept thinking about Sarah Palin’s answer to the question who was her favorite Founding Father, “all of them … ah, George Washington!”  As ineloquent, as Palin’s response was I understood her quandary.


In the background, I could also hear the ever-vapid Mika Brzezinski, making fun of Palin while she was telling us her favorite Founding Father was Lincoln!


Is it possible to think about our country’s beginnings and not think about Franklin, or Adams, Jefferson, or Madison, Hamilton, et al?  How can we rate their individual contributions?


They were men of bravery and vision, who took on the British, with little more than guile and a deep desire for freedom for themselves and the new country they were about to found.  They were all important; every one critical to our independence. However, if pressed, yes, like Sarah Palin, Washington is my favorite, as well.


It is easy to fall in love with Washington, a man of intellect and tenacity.  He possessed a kind of leadership rarely seen.  He fought the British for eight years without a navy (until the French) rarely possessing enough food, munitions, uniforms, shoes, weapons, and supplies for his men.  He was beloved by his men, enduring the same hardships they endured, never asking more of them than he asked of himself.  He was wily and clever.  He loved his country more than himself and he was genuinely humble who believed that the hand of Providence was guiding him.


This brings us to today and Barack Obama, a man who loves himself more than his country!  I am sorry but I feel nothing but disgust and contempt for the man.


He was never qualified or eligible to hold the office of POTUS.  If Obama really loved the United States of America, he would end all speculation about his eligibility for office and he would release every pertinent document that either proves or disproves his eligibility for office. 


He won’t, of course, because his arrogance and hubris won’t allow that he come clean.


Imagine hearing Washington moan, ”it’s not possible or it’s the fault of the Continental Congress we couldn’t get it done!”  On the other hand, Obama uses these excuses ad naseum!  If I hear, “it’s Bush’s fault” one more time (you get to fill the blank)!


[Do you] Think Washington would find it impossible to protect our borders?  Think he’d have any difficulty delegating or finding the right methods to clean up an environmental mess?  How ’bout this? Think he’d allow the government taking control of 51% of our economy or the insane deficit spending in Congress?


The fact is, Obama is passive-aggressive manipulator and a fraud who is little more than a good newsreader.  I can see Obama following General Granny Gates at the Battle of Camden! Both men have much in common, leading from behind, for example.


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